Bankacılık ve Sigortacılık


Bankacılık ve Sigortacılık önlisans programı öğrencilere temel bankacılık ve sigortacılık sektörlerinde temel bilgiler vermektedir. Bu programın amacı öğrencilere bankacılık, sigortacılık, risk yönetimi, müşteri hizmetleri, yazılım gibi konularda teknik bilgiler kazandırmaktır. Bu programdan mezun olan öğrenciler  banka memurluğu, banka yöneticiliği, sigorta uzmanlığı gibi alanlarda çalışabilirler.  

Bankacılık ve Sigortacılık önlisans programı iki yıl olup, mezun olmak için 60 krediyi tamamlamak gerekmektedir. Eğitim dili İngilizcedir. Öğrenciler mezun olduktan sonra dikey geçişle Bankacılık ve Finans lisans bölümüne transfer olabilirler.


The Banking and Insurance Program Outcomes

  1. Develop critical and strategic thinking, improve analytic skills and techniques, and enhance effective decision-making,
  2. To have knowledge of banking, insurance and capital market law besides fundamental legal knowledge,
  3. Demonstrate ability for team-working, collaboration and leadership,
  4. Understand social and legal issues both within local and global environments,
  5. To carry out financial analysis of banks and insurance companies,
  6. To analyze risks and financial problems,
  7. To have consciousness about universality of social rights, social justice, quality and cultural values, protection of environment, occupational health and safety,
  8. Acquire proficiency in English and utilize effective communication skills,
  9. Gain IT skills which are conducive for research using various resources and databases,
  10. Put knowledge acquired into practical experience through on-site internship(s) before graduation,
  11. Gain ethical consciousness and behavior required by the finance discipline,
  12. Review and utilize interest rate concepts and theories, asset pricing and security valuation models as they apply to the financial decision-making processes in a managerial position in banking and finance,
  13. Analyze credits and their terms and conditions as they pertain to evaluation of agricultural, commercial, consumer and real estate loan applications,
  14. Analyze and select the types of securities that businesses acquire for their short and long term investment portfolios,
  15. Review and analyze various cases, scenarios or actual situations and make sound decisions in the sector.



Accounting I is an introductory course, which assumes no previous knowledge of the subject. This course introduces the student to the basic tools of financial accounting such as balance sheet, income statement, worksheet, and journal & ledger accounts. The students will be able to prepare and use these in single proprietorship type of business by the end of the semester. This course will also demonstrate how accounting concepts can be used to make business decisions more effective.


Introduce business and non-business students to business areas and how they function together in a global business environment. Familiarize students with business concepts, terms and bases for global competition. Learn critical thinking skills through cases and application of concepts in real world situations.


Introduction to the business legal environment. Selective subjects relevant for managers from the law of contracts, civil law, commercial law, tax law, labour law, law on Bankruptcy and insurance law.


Revision of essential algebra for calculus. Polynomials, rational expressions, straight line. Linear and quadratic equations and inequalities. Functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, techniques of derivatives, applications of derivatives.


The main aim of this course is to prepare students for the academic reading and writing tasks they will do within their Faculties. To this end, Students will study the techniques that will enable them to produce academic essays in a range of specific styles. They will learn how to write about graphical information and how to incorporate supporting examples into their essays. They will also develop reading speed and proficiency, increase vocabulary and improve comprehension skills.


Functions and role of money within the economy, finacial markets, interest rate determination, risk and term-structure of interest rates, yield curves, business cycles, functions and role of commercial banks and the Central Bank within the economy.


This course should discuss skills needed for success in today’s business environment including verbal and non-verbal communication, listening skills, and time management. Emphasis is placed on dealing with customer service problems, how to handle conflicts, stress and service expectations. This is especially useful for students who will work in a bank or insurance brokerage company.


The main aim of this course is to provide effective development of the skills acquired in EGL101. Students will master speaking and argumentative skills by taking part in discussions of the topics covered in the reading assignments. They will develop critical and analytical thinking at a higher level. Acquire profound knowledge of the necessary reading and writing techniques aiming to prepare them for more in depth research work with materials of their Majors. Continue to prepare students for the academic reading and writing tasks they will encounter within their Faculties. They will learn how to include secondary data within their writings. They will also develop reading speed and proficiency, increase vocabulary and improve comprehension skills.


The basic principles of insurance: terminology, policy structure and the key forms of insurance, reinsurance and its purpose.


Introduction to financial management; financial institutions & money markets; analysis of financial statements; discounted cash flow analysis; project cash flow analysis; analysis of flow of funds; risks and returns topics are covered in this course.


This course is designed to provide an overview of commercial banks, their functions, management, and role in the economy. Topics include: basic asset, liability, liquidity and interest-rate risk management, primary lending functions pricing techniques, risk management.


Microeconomics is concerned with the economic behaviour of consumers, business units, and government agencies. A microeconomic analysis puts small segments of the economy under the microscope to observe details of specific components of our economic system.


Statistical ideas and their relevance in practical life; preparing data for statistical analysis, elementary probability, random variables, frequency distributions and sampling, logic of statistical references; descriptive statistics, estimation and significance tests topics covered in this course.


This course covers aspects of accounting that are specific to the field of insurance and, more particularly, are critical to the supervisor in understanding and assessing the business and operations of an insurer.


This course provides the tools and information needed to interpret and analyze macro parts of the economic system to observe and understand firms’ decisions and markets.


Structural reforms of EU banks and the regulation of shadow banking, scope of financial market regulation in the European Union; crisis management for financial institutions in the EU: recovery and resolution for systemically relevant financial institutions; aspects of financial crime with a focus on the Market Abuse Directive.


History of risk management; Asset-liability management in banks and asset managers; Statistics for Risk: Mean, Variance, Correlation, Skewness; Basic rules of probability; Probability Distributions Useful for Risk and Financial Models; Linear Regressions and Risk Modeling Fundamentals.


This course covers some of the most essential techniques for working well with broking clients and catering to their service plans. It also helps students understand the features, classes and risks of general insurance products, and the role of a general insurance broker in the insurance industry; broking portfolio management tasks such as new business, claims, renewals and changing client service plans.


The newly designed course will be a culmination of the previous two years of education. Students will work to design in order to establishing business plan.

1. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
AMAT101 İşletme Matematiği I 3 0 3 0 İndir
ABSM 101 İşletme Yönetimine Giriş I 3 0 3 0 İndir
ABSM 104 İş Hukuku 3 0 3 0 İndir
AACT 101 Temel Muhasebe 3 0 3 0 İndir
EGL 101 İngilizce I: Okuma Becerileri 3 0 3 0 İndir
NH 001 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkilap Tarihi I 0 0 0 0
Toplam 15 0
2. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
ABSM 214 Pazarlama & Tüketici Davranışları 3 0 3 0 İndir
INS102 Sigortanın Temelleri 3 0 3 0
ACOM 102 Bilgisayar Uygulamaları 3 0 3 0 İndir
ABNK 203 Para ve Banka 3 0 3 0 İndir
EGL 102 İngilizce II: Yazma Becerileri 3 0 3 0 İndir
NH 002 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkilap Tarihi II 0 0 0 0
STJ001 Staj 0 0 0 0
Toplam 15 0
3. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
ABSM 201 Mikroekonomi 3 0 3 0 İndir
ABSM 203 İstatistik I 3 0 3 0 İndir
INS201 Sigorta İçin Muhasebe 3 0 3 0 İndir
ABNK 201 İşletme Finansı I 3 0 3 0 İndir
ABNK 205 Ticari Bankacılık 3 0 3 0 İndir
TURK001 Türkçe I 0 0 0 0
Toplam 15 0
4. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
CAS101 Örnek Çalışmalar 3 0 3 0
TURK 002 Türkçe II 0 0 0 0
ABSM 202 Makroekonomi 3 0 3 0 İndir
INS206 Sigorta Komisyoncusu & Acenta Becerileri 3 0 3 0
INS204 Risk Yönetimi 3 0 3 0 İndir
INS202 Avrupa Bankacılık Çerçevesi 3 0 3 0 İndir
Toplam 15 0