Informative Meeting From The American College



Informative Meeting From The American College

Part of Girne American University’s(GAU) Group of Schools, The American College Principal Aysu Balkanlar is going to give information about the IGCSE, AS/A Level exam systems.


An Open Day will be organized for the year eights going onto year 9 will be held on the 8th April 2015 between the times 14:30-16:30 at the college and will be open to the public.


It is announced that all students are invited to the Open Day.


Stands will be set up, information will be provided


The Open Day will include stands and the stands set up will each have a head of department exhibiting the materials they will use on each topic throughout the year.


All teachers will available give information to the students and their families about how the curriculum works.


High standards of scientific education


Students at The American College have qualified staff, who are able to adapt to the high quality education with scientific and technological developments, have solutions for many problems, are high in confidence, caring for national and universal values and it is emphasized that individuals are transformed into people filled with love. The statement is as follows:

Great Success Has Been Reached!


“Our school has full membership with quality and accreditation institutions such as, Cambridge, Edexcel, FEDE and ECIS. At the same time, exams of international institutes and establishments are held within our own institution. Students who were able to take the exams from all around the TRNC have achieved great success.”