The CAU General Secretary Erhan Vechi Made Important Statements on The TV Program



The CAU General Secretary Erhan Vechi Made Important Statements on The TV Program

The developments of Universities are being prevented.


Sister University of GAU, CAU general secretary Erhan Vechi made important statements on a TV Program he had attended.


Erhan Vechi talking about CAU while stating that CAU will be as successful as GAU said that they are not holding back on their claim.


Vechi stating that they have the most experienced administrators and staff throughout Cyprus,talked about that working with educator administrators  with fulfil experiences and high academic career delivers a big difference.


The Topic of Busses


Vechi said the following on the topic of the steps taken towards the GAU’s students transportation trying to be prevented for being thought to be used towards other purposes.


“The topic we always talk about is the satisfaction of the students getting education in Cyprus. Transportation topic is considered first. This is the reason we provide transportation for the students in the regulatory compliance factor.”


Non-explained preventions


Vechi carried on with his words after stating that the prevention without non-explained reasons and the retention of the 13 busses imported for the transportation of the students is nothing else than bureaucratic prevention.


“You set aims for higher education and to increase the number students and diversely also undertake any means to prevent this. Through this approach, you have to forget about student increase as you may not even be able to preserve your current students. I invite everyone to the task who is trying to set preventions for these bureaucratic preventions to be lifted.