Spor Yöneticiliği Bölümü


Program Overview

Sports management department raises students for the fast growing industry of sports. Students will have the expertise and competence to be a part of big sport organizations. They will acquire essential skills for management and leadership which are needed for successful careers in sports. The program’s curriculum is a combination of business, management and physical education departments. The key points during 4 years will be: a higher understanding of socio-cultural issues in decision making and policy preparation in sports, application of knowledge on sports marketing and finance. The students will utilize critical thinking and abstract reasoning skills in analyzing sport management issues and in managerial planning. They will also develop research skills required in sports industry.

Short letter from dean about why should I choose this programme

There are a wide variety of career paths in sports management that can appeal to individuals with different interests and skill sets. There is one common characteristic of individuals that pursue sports management careers; they must have a life-long passion for sports. If you have a desire to combine athletic skills with management abilities this is the department you should be studying.

Curriculum& Short descriptions of the courses

SYÖN102- Anatomy and Kinesiology (3-0) 3

The structure of cell, tissue and organ system which produces human body. Movement base; movement axials; the functions of muscles during contraction. And the joınt movements which composed. Kineziyologic analyzes of sportive movements.

SYÖN103 - Introduction of Sport Sciences

Basis conception at physical education and sports. Aims of the course, philosophy, role of physical

education and sports and relations with other sciences. Future of profession branches in physical education

and other sports. The functions in Turkish Education and sports society.

EGL101 - Development of Reading & Writing Skills I (3-0) 3

The take of meaning from basic pictures. Explain the event that lived and observed by basic sentences.

To use basic items. to explanation and summarise the history and story. To recognition and use punctuations. To assigment the components of sentence. Kinds of  plural and singular nouns, adjective.

NH 001 – National History I (T: 2 / P: 0 ) Identification of the position of the Turkish language among world languages. Turkish-speaking lands of the world; an account of historical development of Turkish as a language. The teaching of writing, sentence structure and grammar of Turkish. Special emphasis on explaining and teaching of writing styles. Classroom tasks of in-depth analysis of specimen books by Turkish writers.


SYÖN109 - Athletics-I (1-1) 1.5

History of athletics, kinds of athletics, running, throwing, jumping, rules of competition of athletics

SYÖN111- Basketball – I (1-1) 1,5

Defination of basketball, history, basic positıons, pass, dribbling, rebound, fake, individual and team defence, team offence, counter attack, game systems and rules.

SYÖN 113 - General Gymnastics –I (1-1) 1,5

To teaching and practices of basic gymnastic skills, by using group movements, basic gymnastic equipments.

SYÖN115 - Soccer -1 (1-1) 1,5

Defination of soccer, history, basic positions, basic positıons, pass, dribbling, shooting, goalkeeping, individual and team defence, team offence, counter attack, game systems and rules.

SYÖN 117 – Handball-I (1-1) 1,5

Defination handball, history, basic positıons, pass, dribbling, fake, individual and team defence, team offence, counter attack, game systems and rules.

SYÖN 119 – Volleyball –I (1-1) 1,5

Defination volleyball, history, basic positıons, service, pass, smash, block, falldown tehniques , individual and team defence, team offence, counter attack, game systems and rules.

SYÖN121 - Camping (2-0) 0

To practice the knowledge about camping during camp activity.

SYÖN 106 - Athletics-II (1-1) 1,5

Defination of Athletics, history, classification of athletics, speed, middle and long distance running, walking and rules.

SYÖN 108 – Basketball –II (1-1) 1,5

Defination of basketball, history, basic positıons, pass, dripling, ribound, fake, individual and team defence, team offence, counterattack, game systems and rules.

SYÖN 110 – General Gymnastics-II (1-1) 1,5

Defination of gymnastics, progress of gymnastics history, basic technic,tactic and ability, rules.

SYÖN112- Soccer -II (1-1) 1,5

Defination of soccer, history, basic positions, basic positıons, pass, dripling, sutting,goalkeeping, individual and team defence, team offence, counterattack, game systems and rules.

SYÖN 114 – Handball-II (1-1) 1,5

Defination hentball, history, basic positıons, pass, dripling, fake, individual and team defence, team offence, counterattack, game systems and rules.

SYÖN 116 – Volleyball –I (1-1) 1,5

Defination volleyball, history, basic positıons, service, pass, smach, block, falldown tehniques , individual and team defence, team offence, counterattack, game systems and rules.

EGL 102 – Development of Reading & Writing Skills II (3-0) 3

 This course provides students with assistance in mastering effective basic academic writing skills. Emphasis is placed on mastering sentence structures and building well-constructed sentences into effective paragraphs that support of thesis statement in an essay (Prerequisite: EGL 101)

SYÖN 201- Introduction to Sports Management (3-0) 3

Basic Conception of Economy, micro-macro economic differences, different approaches at economy, basic conceptions of micro and macro economy, market, competition, presentation-demanding, the investigation of costumer,producer and cost conseptions.

SYÖN 205 - Sport Organization (2-0) 2

The importance of organization on effective works, the living, improvement and adaptation of organization as a social asset at

SYÖN207- Basic Law (3-0)3

The necessity of law, differences between rules that organizer social life and law rules, law branches, sources of law, the knowledge about law,rule and code.

SYÖN 209 - Sport History (3-0) 3

The meaning and importance of physical educationand sports history, historical improvement of physical education and sports at turkish people and world. The resource on sports history, the sources ofsport history.

SYÖN 211 - Hygiene and First Aid (2-0) 3

The defination and aims of hygiene ,improvements of hygiene, the respect of variety organs of body, the preventing from infection and deadly ilness, injuries and reabilition.

COMP 103 - Introduction to Computer & Information Systems I ( 3-0)

NH 001 - National History  (1-0)

SYÖN 202 - Sport Physiology (2-0) 2

The function of cell, tissue, organs sytems that composed of human body, the adaptation of human organism to physical effort in short and long time periods. Energy sourcess, the physiological basis of training, fatique, regeneration, doping, noutrition, the evaluation of sportive performance at different areas.

SYÖN 204 - Sports Psychology (2-0) 2

Description of sport psychology, basic conception, the aims of psychology, the progress of work areas of psychology in daily life, the affective factors which emotional and personality on performance, psychological training, competition, group diynamics in sports, and dynamics.

COMP 104 - Introduction to Computer & Information Systems II -II (3-0)

SYÖN 210 - Foreign Language – IV (4-0) 4

To do reading parts on the text which is avarage level , to expalin with reading and writting, dictation exercises, to improvement words fream, to use ,preposition, adverb, to use its in the sentence, to use tenses of verbals, The conceptions of mathematic calculation, letter writting, to tell natural or social happening.

SYÖN 212 - Elective Group Course B II (2-0)

Basics concepts of  disability, physical activity, importance of physical activity, rehabilitation, exercixes which can be used for disabled people

NH 002 - National History -II

SYÖN 301 – Sports Economy and Policies (4-0) 4

Sport in economic mentality, general speciality for sports social supply and demand, consumption and investment of concept. The benefit of sports management on social and economic improvement.

SYÖN 303 – Basic Accounting (3 – 0) 3

In this lesson; the courses is for the students from sport management department. The courses are accounting concepts, accounting technics and financial tables. The objectives of the course is to achieve the students knowledge in the related topics.

SYÖN 305 – Work and Social Security Law (2 – 0) 2

The determination of job and social securirty law , feautures of the topic, basic concepts, sportsman actions in the outline of job and social securşty law.

SYÖN 309 – General Training Theory (4 – 0) 4

Training concept and basic principle, the effectiveness of training for the organism, parts of trainings, planning of training, exhaustion, micro, macro, year plan of training, loading and basic principles, the ability selection in sport, the evoluation

SYÖN 302 – Sport Management (2 – 0) 2

The sport management concept, the quality and feautures of sport management, models of sport management, the historical evoluation of sport in Turkey, the universal theory in management.

SYÖN 304 – Resource Methot and Statistics (4 – 0) 4

The science and research concept, objectives, features, basic research types and models, problem in reseachs, methods, finding and comment, consequences. The ways to achieve the knowledge, selection of suitable accountings and application of the selected accountings. The research suggestions and the technics of preparing a report.

SYÖN 306 – Sports Law (2 – 0) 2

The basic principles of law, branches and sources of law, main law, rules and regulations. Sport law in Turkey, the rules, regulations and laws about sport, the international sport law.

SYÖN 308 – Sport Business (2 – 0) 2

The basic concepts about sport business, the establisment of sport business,comparison of basic business principles and sport business.

SYÖN 310 – Sport Sociology (4 – 0) 4

The determination of sport sociology, basic concepts, evoluation, the relation with other sciences, the socail and economical encouragement, sport – education relation, sport; the free time activity, social mobility through sport, sport in the industrialization, urbanization, amateurism, the socail qualification of sport activities.

SYON 314 - Elective course B - IV ( 2-0)

SYÖN 401 - Budget and Accounting in Sport Society (2-0) 2

Description of budget, principles o budget, budget system and technics, description of accounting, conception of ballance-sheet, revenue tableau, action period and total counting, Budget and accounting actions at sport corporation.

SYÖN 403 – Sport Marketing (4 – 0) 4

The determination of marketing concept, basic features, the evolution in marketing, the strategy in marketing, the cost in marketing.

SYÖN 405 - Model Event Analysis at Sport Management -I (4 - 0) 4

Discussing the management of the proceeding when organizing sports events in sports institution associations.

SYÖN 407 – Public Relation at Sports (2 – 0) 2

The determination of public relations concept, objectives, historical evoluation. The techniques of public relations and the role of manager in public relations. The relation between sport and public relations.

SYÖN 409 – Sports For All (2 – 0) 2

The determination of lifelong sport, the historical evoluation, lifelong sport philosophy ,the determination of lifelong sport activities (jogging, cycle, swimming, walking) and application.

SYÖN 411 - Human Sources Management (2 - 0) 2

Manpower planning, providing, applying and improving at organizations. İmportance of human resource, personnal strategies of sport organizing at public and private sectors.

SYÖN 415 – Thesis- I

SYÖN 402 - Totaly Quality of Management (2- 0) 2

Understanding of total quality at menagement mentality, Basic conceptions of total quality management. Elements of Total quality management. Total quality managements practices at sports areas.

SYÖN 404 - Management Psychology (2 – 0) 2

Varieties of individual and qroups, Group dynamics, belief and attitudes at organizations, morals at organization, psychologic problems and complaints, motivation concept and motivation theory, leadership and leadership approach.

SYÖN - 406 Model Event Analysis at Sport Management - II (4 – 0) 4

Discussing the management of the proceeding when organizing sports events in sports institution associations.

SYÖN 408 - Sports Media (2 – 0 ) 2

Explain the conception of sport and media , analyze of sport and media by social sides, importance of sport for personal and society sides, media for mass, duty and affects of sport for advertise and generalize to society, investigate of sport media in Turkey.

SYÖN 410 -Traditional Sports (1 -1 ) 2

Investigation of traditional sports which wrestler, oil wrestling, javelin, horse riding during history.

SYON- 412 - Sports and Recreation Internship

SYÖN414 - Thesis II –II (2 – 0)

Internship Opportunities

  • Sports Organizations
  • Sports Clubs
  • Federations
  • Committees

Contact Number

Özen Mülazımoğlu - Faculty Secretary / ozenmulazimoglu@gau.edu.tr  +90 548 835 24 70 (WhatsApp)

Future opportunities

  • Leading community in federations and sports committees and after-school sports- programs.
  • Academic services in high schools, colleges and universities.
  • Working for professional sporting groups in the marketing, health, promotions and compliance sectors.
  • Fitness- and health-focused positions for people who want to work directly with the athletes.
  • Position in retail: representing sporting goods stores and much more. Interested students need to consider their interests when looking for careers in the sports world. There is something for everyone. Narrowing down interests makes it easier to sift through the job boards and availabilities.
1. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
SYÖN103 Introduction to Sport Sciences 2 0 2 0
SYÖN109 Athletics I 1 1 2 0
SYÖN111 Basketball I 1 1 2 0
SYÖN113 General Gymnastics I 1 1 2 0
SYÖN115 Soccer I 1 1 2 0
SYÖN117 Handball I 1 1 2 0
SYÖN119 Volleyball I 1 1 2 0
SYÖN121 Camping 0 0 0 0
TFL101 Turkish as a Foreign Language I 0 0 0 0
EGL101 Development of Reading & Writing Skills 3 0 3 0
Toplam 17 0
2. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
SYÖN106 Athletics II 1 1 2 0
SYÖN108 Basketball II 1 1 2 0
SYÖN110 General Gymnastics II 1 1 2 0
SYÖN112 Soccer II 1 1 2 0
SYÖN114 Hentbol II 1 1 1 0
SYÖN116 Volleyball II 1 1 2 0
SYÖN102 Anatomy and Kinesiology 3 0 3 0
EGL 102 Development of Reading & Writing Skills II 3 0 3 0
TFL102 Turkish as a Foreign Language II 0 0 0 0
Toplam 17 0
3. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
SYÖN205 Sport Organizations 2 0 2 0
SYÖN207 Basic Law 3 0 3 0
SYÖN209 Sport History 2 0 2 0
SYÖN211 First Aid 1 1 2 0
SYÖN215 Elective Group Course B I 1 1 2 0
NH001 National History I 0 0 0 0
SYÖN 201 Introduction to Sport Management 2 0 2 0
COMP 103 Introduction to Computer & Information Systems I 3 0 3 0
Toplam 16 0
4. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
SYÖN202 Sport Physiology 2 0 2 0
SYÖN204 Sport Psychology 2 0 2 0
SYÖN210 Foreign Language IV 4 0 4 0
SYÖN212 Elective Group Course B II 1 1 2 0
NH002 National History II 0 0 0 0
COMP 104 Introduction to Computer & Information Systems II 3 0 3 0
Toplam 13 0
5. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
SYÖN301 Sports Economy and Policies 4 0 4 0
SYÖN303 Basic Accounting 3 0 3 0
SYÖN305 Work and Social Security Law 2 0 2 0
SYÖN309 General Training Theory 4 0 4 0
SYÖN313 Elective Group Course B III 1 1 2 0
Toplam 15 0
6. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
SYÖN302 Sport Management 2 0 2 0
SYÖN306 Sports Law 2 0 2 0
SYÖN308 Sport Business 2 0 2 0
SYÖN304 Research Methods and Statistics 4 0 4 0
SYÖN314 Elective Group Course B IV 1 1 2 0
SYÖN 310 Sport Sociology 4 0 4 0
Toplam 16 0
7. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
SYÖN411 Management of Human Relation 2 0 2 0
SYÖN401 Budget and Accounting in Sport Society 2 0 2 0
SYÖN403 Sport Marketing 4 0 4 0
SYÖN405 Model Event Analysis in Sport Management I 4 0 4 0
SYÖN407 Public Relations 2 0 2 0
SYÖN415 Thesis I 3 0 3 0
SYÖN409 Sports For All 2 0 2 0
Toplam 19 0
8. Yarıyıl
KOD DERSİN ADI T U K AKTS Ön Koşul Syllabus Açıklama
SYÖN402 Total Quality Management 2 0 2 0
SYÖN404 Management Psychology 2 0 2 0
SYÖN406 Model Event Analysis in Sport Management II 4 0 4 0
SYÖN408 Sport Media 2 0 2 0
SYÖN410 Traditional Sports 2 0 2 0
SYÖN412 Sport and Recreation Internship 2 0 2 0
SYÖN414 Thesis II 3 0 3 0
Toplam 17 0