2. About the 1st National Educational Sciences Student Congress


Dear Researchers; 

The 1st National Educational Sciences Student Congress aims to bring together the Education Faculty students at Girne American University and to contribute to the development of science with original papers.

The 1st National Educational Sciences Student Congress aims to contribute to the academic studies platform with scientific events to be organized at the national level, under the guidance of the organization and supervisory board consisting of researchers and academicians expert in their fields.

Congress presentation languages are Turkish and English. All abstracts and full text papers to be presented at the congress will be subject to a review process after being examined by plagiarism detection software. They will be published electronically in an e-book with an ISBN number after they pass the review process.


Although the Educational Sciences in the New Century Student Congress will cover all subjects of educational sciences, the priority topics of research are as follows:

  • Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling

Developmental Psychology, Postmodern Approaches, addiction psychology, career psychological counseling, psychological resilience, hope and anxiety as two familiar friends, working with trauma, cognitive counseling behavioral therapist's briefcase, games and fairy tales, overcoming challenging times with art therapy, etc.

  • Special Education Teaching

Language and speech difficulties, special skills, inclusion, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, current problems in special education, technologies used in special education, customized education, learning disabilities, pervasive developmental disorder, difficulties faced by individuals with special needs, interdisciplinary work and cooperation in special education, etc.

  • Primary School Teaching

Primary school programs, child development, foreign language teaching in primary school, alternative learning approaches in primary school, extra-school learning environments, current trends in classroom teaching, materials used in primary schools, mathematics teaching in primary schools, science teaching in primary schools, primary literacy teaching, music teaching in primary schools, etc. 

  • Pre-school Teaching

Early childhood education in the digital age, pre-school field education, science education and teaching, mathematics education and teaching, art education and teaching, visual arts education and teaching, game teaching, primary reading and writing education, creativity, drama-based education, neglect and abuse of children, foreign language education in early childhood, project-based approach in the preschool period, special education in early childhood, etc.

  • Turkish teacher education

Teaching Turkish, teaching Turkish as a foreign language, education in the new century, new approaches and expectations in Turkish language teaching, history of Turkish language, branches of Turkish and its areas of spread, Turkish learning and teaching approaches, folk literature, ancient Turkish literature, modern Turkish literature, children's literature, world literature, contemporary Turkish dialects, text analysis, four basic language skills, etc.

  • Music Teaching

Music performance and interpretation studies, ethnomusicology studies, music history studies, music and dance, music and children, etc.

  • English Language Teaching

Teaching language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) language learning strategies, testing in ELT, teaching English to young learners, testing young language learners  

  • Education Programs and Teaching

Measurement and evaluation in education, educational management, contemporary curriculum in education, higher education, educational planning, educational policies, distance education, educational leadership, contemporary supervision approaches in education, organizational behavior in educational management etc.

  • Turkish Language Teaching

Turkish language teaching, Turkish language teaching as a foreign language, new approaches in Turkish language teaching, problems encountered in Turkish language teaching and solution recommendations, language policies, language teaching, bilingualism, cultural heritage transfer and Turkish language.

  • Educational Administration Supervision

Education, management, supervision, leadership, managers, leading, motivation, education policies, digitalization in education, school atmosphere, management strategies, crisis management in schools, professional development characteristics of teachers, school - family cooperation, student discipline, penal management, performance evaluation in educational institutions, leadership and motivation of school administrators.

We will be honored by your participation in the 1st National Educational Sciences Student Congress with your valuable papers.