Girne Campus Expands As GAU Karpaz Life Campus Continues To Be Established



Girne Campus Expands As GAU Karpaz Life Campus Continues To Be Established



Development and reform of Girne Campus continues with full flow as the University is on the eve to celebrate the 30th year in Higher-education in 2014-2015 Academic years.


GAU announced to establish recreational areas in Millennium Complex located in Karmi Campus for modern, contemporary and easy to access facilities. Furthermore, the Ring Service project which is one of the modern bus stops that is planned to be built near to the area located at Millennium Complex will provide comfort transportation access for the students.


New Era in GAU Student Affairs and Services


Students Affairs, Students Accounting and Student Services offices which all operate under GAU Karmi Campus will be developed and reformed to ease student access to their comfort through the modern infrastructure.



GAU Student Affairs Department, indicated that a total of 150 departments under GAU will operate; 2 Vocational High School, 5 Colleges, 8 Faculties, 1 Institute of Social Sciences, 1 Institute of Science and 18 new departments and will start student admissions and training with the new academic year. These are:


Vocational High School

* Social Media Expertise (Turkish) 


Health Professions High School 

 * Radiotherapy (Turkish) 

* Medical Documentation and Secretary (Turkish) 

* Medicine Imaging Techniques (Turkish) 

* Anaesthesia (Turkish) 

* Elderly Care (Turkish) 

* Health Care Management (Turkish) 

* Operating Services (Turkish) 


Faculty of Business and Economics 

* Business Administration (Turkish) 

* Oil and Gas Management 

* Pilotage


Faculty of Engineering 

* Computer Engineering (Turkish) 

* Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Turkish) 


Faculty of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts 

 * Architecture (Turkish) 

* Interior Architecture (Turkish) 

* Plastic Arts 


Faculty of Humanities 

* Turkish Language and Literature (Turkish) 


Faculty of Communication 

* Digital Marketing and Social Media 


Faculty of Health Sciences 

* Emergency and Disaster Management (Turkish)