World’s Problems in the Streets of Girne



World’s Problems in the Streets of Girne

Exhibition opening was realized in Girne city center with the installation arts of GAU Interior Design 3rd Year Students.

Opening of ceremony has been made by GAU General Secretary Dr. Sualp Davut, Representative of the Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty Dean Asst. Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri, Head of Interior Design Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Senem Zeybekoğlu and invited guest speaker of Friday Seminar of GAU architecture faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jakob Rigi of Central European University.

According to the statement made by the Deanship of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty, exhibition organized by GAU Interior Design and curated by Interior Design Lecturer Gülten Göze for drawing attention to the problems in the light of humanistic and environmental subjects such as war, environmental pollution, global warming, disability, other discrimination types, obstacles against freedom and also for creating awareness.

Exhibition watched by different groups, students, artists, academicians, residents and tourists with great interest during the entire day.