GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of Board of Administrators Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi: Our Goal Is To Provide ...



GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of Board of Administrators Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi: Our Goal Is To Provide ...

Girne American University CEO and Vice Chancellor of Board of Administrators Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi appeared as an on-air guest in the program which was prepared by Assist. Prof. Dr. Güven Arıklı in Genç TV.

Conception of service in 5 continents


Vehbi who explained that GAU celebrates its thirtieth year in higher education and after UK, USA, Turkey and Hong Kong, establishing a sister university  also in Kishniev which is the capital city of Moldova is a very exciting progress referred that “As GAU, we are improving our “quality education” principle which we started in the educational field by providing service in 5 continents on strong bases”

Investments have been sped up..


Asım Vehbi stated that as GAU, they have sped up the investments and make many new investments along with the ones which continues in the tourism, health, civil aviation, and education fields and explained that they will also apply the slogan of “quality in education” in the other services.


It was also referred that the fifteen thousand students will be increased to twenty thousand and emphasized that the departments which have the confirmation from the Council of Higher Education will start to admit students as soon as possible.


Asım Vehbi stressed that they entered into an Academic Collaboration Agreement with 3 universities from Poland and this agreements will be pertinaciously maintained also in the forthcoming years and GAU which spread into 5 continents will be proceed on its way by expanding more.

When the day comes...


With the question of Güven Arıklı, Vehbi shortly expressed his perspective of politics and underlined that he lean towards to politics however it is very early to speak about it and continued; “When the day comes, I will do whatever it takes to serve my country, what’s important is creating a system that can take necessary resolutions and perform them”


Vehbi also explained that he was in the government as a young minister, he performed the Ministry of Environment by the possibilities in those years  and emphasized that rather than doing politics, doing the rights works are more important and in case of canalizing the country resources to the right places, permanent operations are possible.