
GAU Interior Design Department Exhibition Opens
The “ID” exhibition of Girne American University (GAU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Interior Design students, which exhibits the works of the students carried out during the academic year, has opened at GAU Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty Art Gallery.
The opening of the exhibition was made by GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi and the exhibition consists of GAU 2014-2015 academic year Interior Design course projects with the initiatives and works of the students and the support of GAU Head of the Interior Architecture Department – Assoc. Dr. Senem Zeybekoğlu Sadri, faculty and staff members, Professor Dr. Kutsal Öztürk, Kim Bennett, Buğu Şah and Safiye Özaltıner. Prior to the opening of the exhibiton which presents all the projects and works of the students within the framework of interior design courses within a year brought together, GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board Assist. Assoc. Dr. Asım Vehbi stated as the following:
“Now is the most precious period of the year. Students are reaping the fruits of the labor spent throughout the year. This is a moment a lot of us also enjoy. I sincerely believe that in the future all of our students will be a successful interior decorator. As I saw, they conducted a lot of successful work. I would like to offer my thanks to all of you for the invitation and these beautiful works, and wish you all success in your future work life.”
Following the speeches, GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi presented the students who contributed to the exhibition with appreciation certificate.
In addition according to the statement of GAU Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty, the exhibition will be open to visitors on 20-22 May between13: 00- 17:00 hours.