Students Of American College Wished For A World Full Of Peace



Students Of American College Wished For A World Full Of Peace

Students of American College at Radio Güven


A group of teen, formed by students of American College, which is under Girne American University Group of Schools, answered the questions asked, candidly, about various subjects including youth problems, at the program they appeared as a guest, which will be broadcasted on May 10 at Radio Güven.


Students, who expressed their views regarding the problems the teens of today faced and described their plans for the future, talked about the importance of the quality and stability in education. Stating that they feel very proud for being a student of American College for this reason, the teens also expressed the appreciation they felt for being in a school with a vision and with an undiscussable quality.


 Students, who also revealed their thoughts on the current issues in Cyprus, mentioned their discomfort about the issue of traffic accidents.


At the program, where Münevver Kocatepe, Nezircan Müderris, Tünay Konti and Berk Yalaz appeared as a guest, emotional messages were given because of the upcoming "Mother`s Day" and the importance of mothers was remarked once again.


Students, who also listed their requests, wished for a world full of peace and where all of the problems ended, at the program.