GAU is Making History in Samsun



GAU is Making History in Samsun

Girne American University Table Tennis team, which competes at the  Inter-University Table Tennis Championships held in Samsun (UniLig 2015), completed the second day of matches by 3-0 without letting its competitors take a breathe  as in the first day of the matches.


GAU Table tennis team played their first match with Inonu University and won the match 3-0 without any difficulty. At the second match, they scored 3-0 against Istanbul University and METU, then started to wait for the 3rd period matches.

If GAU Table Tennis team wins these matches, they will proclaim the championship in this tournament that they attended for the first time as TRNC.


GAU Sports Coordinator Assist Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Doğgün stated that they trust their players in the championship, and expressed that "We look forward to returning to the Cyprus with championship trophy, I trust my players."