“State-University Cooperation Should Be Ensured”



“State-University Cooperation Should Be Ensured”

Dean of the Girne American University (GAU) Faculty of Architecture Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Hossein Sadri, stressed that the most important problem in Northern Cyprus is the inability of forming a long-term creation of human-environment-oriented policies and stated: “Cooperation with universities should be conducted for the formation of state policies, different research projects with scientific methods should be prepared."


Hossein Sadri offered criticisms and suggestions related to urbanization and higher education policies in Cyprus in the TV program he participated and stated the following:


 “First parliament and then various government agencies should benefit from the opinions of many experts working under universities in the country, different research projects should be given to universities for the formation of government policies.”


Sadri who touched upon the importance of identifying the most appropriate models for higher education, tourism, health and agriculture in Cyprus and turning them into government policies, has continued his speech as followed:


 “Taking the views of civil society organizations and universities and applying those initiatives urgently is very important for this serious works for government agencies such as the State Planning, Council of Ministers, Parliament and the Presidency, thus creating a national physical planning based on uncovered common policies carries utmost importance and benefits.”

State essentials are important


Hossein Sadri who expressed that some of the plans prepared by professional organizations cannot be successful because they are not based on any government policies, also criticized the current system which did not include the mayor and councils, which were presented and approved by public opinion with urban visions democratically, having the right to make master plans.

Human rights and environmental sensitivity


Sadri who highlighted in his speech that they conducted important works as the GAU Faculty of Architecture for the urbanization pattern with human rights and the environmental sensitivity in Cyprus, underlined that Nicosia and Kyrenia need to have serious limitations to prevent the city from spreading and stated that he believes the preparation and determination of the appropriate infrastructure for high-rise buildings in this city may be the best solution.


Sadri who underlined that planning public transportation and the urbanization policy together may have more healthy outcomes, stressed that both shared taxi oriented public transport and expansionist urbanization pattern are associated with each other and that they destroy environmental, social and cultural values of Northern Cyprus.

Recommendations for Nicosia and Kyrenia


Dean of the GAU Faculty of Architecture Assoc. Dr. Hossein Sadri, emphasized that for Kyrenia the coast is the most important priority to be gained back to public and stressed the need for rehabilitation of the Walls of Nicosia, so that the people living in these two cities could come together without closing in their own ghettos and stated: “Thus tolerance and urban culture may develop towards diversity and public urban areas will surface. Kyrenia with integrative and holistic seaside area and Nicosia with living and multifunctional historic walls, have appropriate features that can undertake this mission.”