GAU India Campus Continues to Graduate



GAU India Campus Continues to Graduate

Girne American University (GAU), on its 30th anniversary in 2014-2015 Academic year, continues to give new graduates on its generic campuses from all around the world.


In GAU’s statement on the subject, it was reported that GAU India Generic campus, which has started to accept students with the agreement signed in 2006 with the College of Advanced Technology Studies (CATS) in the city of Bangalore, India, graduates dozens of students each year. The statement which reminded that Master`s programs on Finance, Financial Management, Marketing and Human Resources can be found within the GAU India campus, also stated that GAU has made important contributions to higher education in one of the India, one of the major countries of the Asian continent, and drew attention to the important message given to the world with the surging flags of TRNC and Turkey in India.


The statement which expressed that GAU has become a global education center by expanding its 30 year of scientific knowledge and limits to the world, reminded that India is one of the main important brain power in the world advanced technology and IT sector and emphasized that revitalization of the Girne American University India generic campus academic programs to the global competition and business world has a great importance for TRNC and its higher education system.


GAU Overseas Campuses Contributes to the Promotion of TRNC by Drilling Isolations


Furthermore, it was underlined that GAU’s international overseas campuses in Turkey, UK, USA and Hong Kong contributed significantly to the country`s promotion and become the voice of the Turkish Cypriot community in the world by also drilling embargoes and isolations.