Russian And Greek Courses From GAU To The World Of Economy



Russian And Greek Courses From GAU To The World Of Economy


Girne American University Continuous Education Center (GAÜSEM), Business and Administration Courses, Language courses, computer and sports courses which gives education in both English and Turkish languages also begun Russian and Greek language courses in the new academic year for those of banks and businesses.

The statement made by GAÜ in relation to the topic explains that beside of personal development, the aim of the certification and courses organized by the EU academic experts is sharing the 28 years of fund of scientific knowledge with the community and enable people to be distant to stress of modern life and gain new hobbies. The statement also further explains by emphasizing that the program was developed to pull away people from the stress of life and stated that the programs are held in GAU carrying Girne Urban life to Cyprus Karmi Campus with a “Gain Hobby Avoid Stress” slogan.

Beside the Life Courses, there is also advanced Psychological Counseling Skills, Basic Psychological Counseling Skills, Special Education Skills, Sustainable Urban, Environment and Tourism Program, KPSS Preparatory Courses, Yoga courses, Latino Dance courses, Practical Gardening Planning and Design and also Amateur Marine and Sailing courses are provided. In addition to these the courses of Basic Psychological Counseling Skills and Practical Gardening Planning and Design will be given in English language.

“Russian and Greek (Romaic) are Rising Values in the World of Economy” The statement also explains that Russian and Greek (Romaic) are rising values in the country where developing and global economy acting as an additive value to the national economy and also added on by stating that Russian and Greek languages have been updated into the new academic curriculum and emphasized that Business and Administration courses are supported with the Public Relations in Contemporary Administrations, General Accounting and Computer Applications, Career Development: A Film Analysis, Political Leadership, Effective Communication in Health Sector, Strategy Administration Courses and Turkish, English, Russian and Greek language courses. It is emphasized that the contact details for the Program is as such; web: or call 1144 via 650 20 00. For further information are applying the program address can be contacted.