Online Career Opportunity By GAU



Online Career Opportunity By GAU

While GAU offers its students and student candidates the opportunity of sustaining their education and higher education in Northern Cyprus, England, Singapore and the USA campuses, it has declared due to its 27th anniversary to give special scholarships for the USA campus centered  higher education programs those are independent from place and time and which has been progressed with online information/education technologies.

“40% of special scholarship for each student for 4 Higher Education programs”          According to the declaration by GAU about online distance education graduate MBA programs designed as independent from time and place that the students might benefit from it which was offered them with information technologies with different educational opportunities; it has been underlined that the online programs will be GAU USA campus centered while the registration for the online education have been still in progress.

         In the declaration which says that there will be limited number for granting the scholarships in the graduate online programs as Business, Marketing, Computer Programming Engineering and International Relations. All the programs will accept registration with 40% scholarship for each student due to the university’s 27th anniversary period and it has been stressed that the language medium is English which the details can be obtained from It has been declared that; in fall 2012 period online graduate programs like Business, Marketing, Computer Programming Engineering and International Relations the duration of education is 2 years.