So-Called Armanian Genocide and Coexistence Art are Discussed in GAU



So-Called Armanian Genocide and Coexistence Art are Discussed in GAU

In the Mediterranean Communes which was organized in common by Girne American University Cyprus Research Institute (GAUCRI) and Communication Faculty, many current issues have been studied this week.

GAU Cyprus Research Institute Head and Business Economy Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Ulvi Keser gave a speech upon the “Coexistence Art: Armenians and Turks in Cyprus – Armenian East Legion and Cyprus”  and discussed the coexistence of the Armenian and Turk in the island. Besides, GAU Faculty of Communication Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Asude Tunca made a speech about “Promotion Policy of Turkey in the Ataturk Period and Turkish Revolutions”


It was also stated that the subject of next week’s Mediterranean Communes is “Cyprus Press History: Old Cyprus Newspaper” and the speech will be given by Harid Fedai.